
Welcome to Akokli Construction and Exploration Services, where innovation meets expertise in the realm of exploration.

Our Exploration Services

With over 20 years of working in remote locations under difficult conditions, Akokli Construction has the experience, know-how and resources to get the job done right no matter what is required. We take pride in providing solutions that balance production goals with good stewardship and environmental sustainability. Most importantly, we maintain our focus on safety and quality while delivering projects on time and on budget. Backed by a team of highly experienced, best-in-class professionals, Akokli has broadened its reputation for hard work done well.
Orange Kubota front end loader on rubber tracks parked on a gravel driveway
Maintenance & Management
Earthworks Operations,
Two smiling workers sittein in fron of electronic equiplment inside a portable tent.
Project Management
Logistiacl Coordination &
Exploration drill site with various pieces of equipment and portable sheds set up in a remote, rocky and snow covered location
Drilling Supervision
Two exploration workers measuring depth of a hole on a remote rocky hillside.
Safety & Permitting
Akokli exploration crew standing in front of a twin engine aircraft

Peter is a Whirlwind!

“Peter is one of the rare people who combines a real knack for working with others, directing a project, keeping an eye on budget and timelines, and producing an end result that exceeds expectations. He is a whirlwind on a job site, but a wise and thoughtful whirlwind, and that is rare. I would engage Peter for almost any project I can think of.”
